GRI Code |
Description/Topic |
Unit |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
Comments / Response / Reference |
GRI 1 |
GRI standard followed |
This report uses the framework provided by GRI 1: Foundation 2021 reports in accordance with the GRI standards. |
GRI 2-1 |
Organization details |
Information on organization details is outlined in section About Us (page 5-7). |
GRI 2-2 |
Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting |
Entities included in Neo’s sustainability reporting include: • Neo Performance Materials ULC • Neo Rare Metals (Oklahoma), LLC • Buss & Buss Spezialmetalle GmbH • NPM Silmet OU • Zibo Jiahua Advanced Materials Resources Co., Ltd. • Jiangyin Jiahua Advanced Material Resources Co., Ltd • Magnequench (Tianjin) Company Limited • Magnequench Magnetics (Chu Zhou) Co., Ltd. • Magnequench (Korat) Co., Ltd. |
GRI 2-3 |
Reporting period, frequency and contact point |
Reporting period: Jan 1st, 2022 – Dec 31st, 2022 Publication date: October 15, 2023 Contact email: |
GRI 2-4 |
Restatements of information |
Information on 2021 Scope 1 & Scope 2 GHG emission data restatement is outlined in section Air Quality and Emissions (page 60-61). |
GRI 2-5 |
External Assurance: a. describe its policy and practice for seeking external assurance, including whether and how the b. if the organization’s sustainability reporting has been externally assured; i. Provide a link or reference to the external assurance report(s) or assurance statement(s); ii. Describe what has been assured and on what basis, including the assurance standards used, iii. Describe the relationship between the organization and the assurance provider. |
Executive team reviews report and data HESS committee is heavily involved in review and assurance of sustainability report. Internal ESG team reviews and audits ESG report. Report is not externally assured. Third party data collection process. |
GRI 2-7 |
Information on employee is outlined in section Employees (page 65). |
GRI 2-8 |
Workers who are not employees
Number of contractor employees are calculated by dividing total contractor work hours by standard annual work hours of a full-time employee (2080 hours). |
GRI 2-9 |
Governance structure and composition |
The board of director structure is outlined in section Corporate Governance (page 84). |
GRI 2-11 |
Chair of the highest governance body |
The board of director structure is outlined in section Corporate Governance (page 84). |
GRI 2-14 |
Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting |
The company’s Health, Environment, Safety, and Sustainability (HESS) Committee, which is composed of members of the Board of Directors, is responsible for overseeing the integration of sustainability principles into everyday business operations. Among their roles is the assessment of HESS targets and objectives set forth by the management, keeping track of progress towards these goals, and suggesting necessary adjustments. The Board members serving on this committee have thoroughly examined this report, and their feedback has been incorporated into this document. More information on the board’s HESS Committee is outlined in section Corporate Governance (page 84). |
GRI 2-16 |
Communication of critical concerns |
Information on Neo’s communication policies and mechanisms is outlined in section Communication of Critical Concerns to Highest Governance Body (page 90). |
GRI 2-17 |
Collective knowledge of the highest governance body |
Information on advancing ESG knowledge of Neo’s highest governance body outlined in section Sustainability Report Context and Methodology (page 35) . |
GRI 2-18 |
Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body |
Information Neo’s various board committees are outlined in section Board Committee (page 85). |
GRI 2-19 |
Remuneration policies |
Information on Neo’s ESG-linked executive compensation is outlined in section ESG-linked Executive Compensation (page 86). |
GRI 2-22 |
Statement on sustainable development strategy |
Statement on sustainable development by the Board of director’s Chair and the Chief Executive Officer are included (page 11). |
GRI 2-23 |
Policy commitments |
Information on Neo’s policy commitments for responsible business conduct and respect to human rights is outlined in the Ethical Business Practices section (page 89), and the following documents: |
GRI 2-24 |
Embedding policy commitments |
Information on Neo’s governance strategy on policy commitments is outlined in section Corporate Governance (page 87). |
GRI 2-26 |
Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns |
Information on Neo’s communication policies and mechanisms is outlined in section Communication of Critical Concerns to Highest Governance Body (page 89). |
GRI 2-27 |
Compliance with laws and regulations
Information on compliance with laws and regulations is outlined in section Compliance with Laws and Regulations (page 94). In April 2022, the Linzi District Emergency Management Bureau detected safety infractions at Neo’s Zibo, China facility. The cited violations included inadequate protective covering for a pump motor and non-compliant warning signage, both of which fall short of the jurisdiction’s safety standards. Consequently, the company received an administrative penalty of 9,000 RMB. |
GRI 2-28 |
Membership associations |
Information on membership and associations are outlined in section Membership & Associations (page 97). |
210a.1 |
GRI 2-29 |
Approach to stakeholder engagement |
Neo’s approach to stakeholder engagement is outlined in section Stakeholder and Public Engagement (page 95). |
GRI 2-30 |
Collective bargaining agreements
Information on collective bargaining agreements is outlined in section Collective Bargaining (page 68). |
GRI 3-1 |
Process to determine material topics |
Process to determine material topics outlined in Materiality section (page 37) |
GRI 3-2 |
List of material topics |
List of material topics (page 37) |
GRI 3-3 |
Management of material topics |
Management of material topics outlined in materiality section (page 37) |
GRI 302-1 |
Energy consumption within the organization
2022 Energy Consumption by Type (Unit: GJ)
Energy management and consumption outlined in energy management section (page 46) SASB Summary: • Total energy consumed: 1.05 million GJ • Grid electricity: 32.42% • Renewable: 24.37% • Self generated energy: 0.14% |
130a.1 |
GRI 303-1 |
Interactions with water as a shared resource |
Neo’s strategy to protecting water resources and interacting with water as a shared resource are outlined in Water and Effluents section (page 50). |
GRI 303-2 |
Management of water discharge-related impacts |
Neo’s management of water discharge-related impacts outlined in Management of Water Discharge-Related Impacts (page 56). |
GRI 303-3 |
Water withdrawal *ML (megaliter) = 1,000 m3
Water withdrawal from water stress regions
Freshwater withdrawal
Any contextual information necessary to understand how the data have been compiled, such as any standards, methodologies, and assumptions used. |
Neo’s facilities located in water stress regions include Sillamäe, Estonia; Sagard, Germany; Tianjin, China, and Zibo City, China. Water withdrawal information is outlined in section Water and Effluents (Page 50) SASB Summary: • Total water withdrawn: • Percentage of water withdrawn from non-freshwater sources: • Total water consumption: • Water withdrawn in High or extremely high stress regions as • Water consumed in High or Extremely High Stress regions as • Number of incidents of noncompliance associated with water • Neo’s most significant water management risks are outlined in |
140a.1 140a.2 140a.3 |
GRI 303-4 |
Water discharge
Water discharge information is outlined in section Water and Effluents (Page 50). |
GRI 303-5 |
Water consumption
Water consumption information is outlined in section Water and Effluents (Page 50). *(negative) values and instances where total water consumption from all areas are lower than total water consumption in water stress regions are indications that one or several plants may have water as by-product discharge. |
GRI 305-1 |
Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
Total Scope 1 GHG emissions include CO2, CH4, N2O, and HFCs. 2021 Scope 1 GHG was revised. Further explanations and information on Scope 1 emissions is outlined in section Air Quality and Emissions (page 57). SASB Summary: • Covered under emissions-limiting regulations: 0% • Neo is currently developing its long-term and short-term strategy |
110a.1 110a.2 |
GRI 305-2 |
Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
Total Scope 2 GHG emissions include CO2, CH4, and N2O. 2021 Scope 2 GHG was revised. Further explanations and information on Scope 2 emissions is outlined in section Air Quality and Emissions (page 57) |
GRI 305-7 |
Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (Sox), and other significant air emissions
Other HAPs include ammonium hydroxide, HCl, NH3, CO, nitric acid, fluorine, and gaseous fluorides converted to fluorine. Further information on NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions is outlined in section Air Quality and Emissions (page 57) |
120a.1 |
GRI 306-2 |
Management of significant waste related impacts Actions, including circularity measures, taken to prevent waste generation in the organization’s own activities and upstream and downstream in its value chain, and to manage significant impacts from waste generated. |
Our Tianjin, China facility diverted 179 tons of magnesia, crucibles, and pouring tanks to manufacturers for recycling and refurbishing. Working with its customers, our Tianjin facility collected and recycled 42,847 packaging cans, 0.4 tons of wooden pallets, and 85.46 tons of magnetic product wastes. (page 61) |
GRI 306-3 |
Waste generated
Waste generated and related information is outlined in section Waste (page 61) SASB summary: • Hazardous waste generated: 4,965 metric tons |
150a.1 |
GRI 306-4 |
Waste diverted from disposal
Waste disposal and related information is outlined in section Waste (page 62). Waste neither disposed nor diverted from disposal are temporarily stored on-site. SASB summary: • Hazardous waste recycled: 57% |
150a.1 |
GRI 401-1 |
New employee hires and employee turnover
GRI 403-1 |
Occupation health and safety management system |
Information on occupation health and safety management system is outlined in section Occupational Health and Safety Management System (page 68). |
GRI 403-2 |
Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation |
Information on hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation is outlined in section Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (page 70). |
GRI 403-3 |
Occupational health services |
Information on Occupational health services is outlined in section Occupational Health Services (page 71). |
GRI 403-4 |
Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety |
Information on worker participation, consultation and communication on occupational health and safety is outlined in section OHS-Related Worker Participation, Consultation, and Communication (page 72). |
GRI 403-5 |
Worker training on occupational health and safety |
Information on worker training on occupational health and safety is outlined in section Worker Training on OHS (page 73). |
GRI 403-8 |
Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system
Information on workers covered by an occupational health and safety management is system outlined in section Worker Covered by OHS Management System (page 73). |
GRI 403-9 |
Work-related injuries
Contract Employees
Information on work related injuries is outlined in section Work Related Injuries (page 74). LTIR and TRIR are calculated based on 200,000 hours worked. SASB summary: • Total recordable incident rate: 0.36 • Total fatality rate for direct employees: 0 • Total fatality rate for contract employees: 0 |
320a.1 |
GRI 403-10 |
Work-related ill health
Information on work-related ill health outlined in section Work-Related Ill Health (page 75). SASB summary: • Occupational illness at Neo was 0 in the trailing three |
320a.2 |
GRI 404-1 |
Average hours of training per year per employee
Information on average hours of training per year per employee is outlined in section Training (page 67). |
GRI 405-1 |
Diversity of governance bodies and employees Employees
Board of directors
Information on diversity of governance bodies and employees is outlined in sections Employees (page?) and Corporate Governance (page 67& page 84). |
GRI 406-1 |
Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken
Information on incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken are outlined in section Anti-Workplace Harassment and Anti-Discrimination (page 91). |
GRI 408-1 |
Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor |
Neo’s stance on human rights protection is outlined in section Human Rights Protection and Promotion (page 88). |
GRI 409-1 |
Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor |
Neo’s stance on human rights protection is outlined in section Human Rights Protection and Promotion (page 88). |
GRI 411-1 |
Incidents of violations involving indigenous peoples
Information on incidents of violations involving indigenous peoples is outlined in section Rights of Indigenous Peoples (page 68). |
GRI 416-2 |
Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services
Information on health and safety of products and services is outlined in section Commitment to Product Safety (page 82). |
Omissions |
The omission of certain GRI disclosures in this report is primarily due to the unavailability or incompleteness of the required information, as this is the Neo’s first year of sustainability reporting in accordance with GRI standards. We recognize the importance of transparent and accurate sustainability reporting and are committed to enhancing our disclosure practices. Moving forward, we aim to progressively improve the scope and quality of our sustainability reporting by incorporating more GRI disclosures in subsequent reporting periods. This will enable stakeholders to better assess our sustainability performance and align with global best practices. Disclosure of GRI disclosures based on GRI 1: Foundation 2021 which are omitted from this report due to unavailable/incomplete information include: GRI 2-(6,10,12,13,15,20,21,25), GRI-30(1,4,8), GRI 40(3,7,10,12-15,17,18). |
Additional SASB |
Product Design for Use-phase Efficiency
Safety Environmental Stewardship of Chemicals
Genetically Modified Organisms
Management of Legal Regulatory Environment
Operational Safety, Emergency Preparedness Response
Neo’s ESG Working Group has conducted a thorough assessment of the internal goals set for 2022 and, based on our achievements and learnings, has established a series of new, ambitious objectives for 2023. Our focus remains steadfast on enhancing environmental, social, and governance performance across our operations.
Long-Term GHG Emission Reduction Planning and Strategizing: Neo is fully committed to playing our part in tackling climate change by setting and achieving ambitious GHG reduction goals. Building on our previous work, we will continue to collaborate closely with environmental consultants to finalize our internal evaluation of historical GHG emission and reduction opportunities. As we move forward, our focus will be on developing and implementing effective strategies to reduce our carbon footprint across our business units. We recognize the urgent need for action and are actively working towards this objective.
Third-Party Evaluation Improvement: As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency and continuous improvement, we will further increase our participation in third-party evaluations and audits. By engaging with reputable ESG evaluators, we aim to identify areas for improvement and measure our progress against industry benchmarks. This increased scrutiny will help us ensure that our sustainability efforts are effective and aligned with global best practices.
Implementation of Procurement Policy: Our new procurement policy has successfully enhanced transparency across our value chain and encouraged responsible purchasing decisions. Moving forward, we will continue to strengthen our commitment to sustainable procurement practices and work closely with our suppliers to ensure they adhere to our high environmental and social standards. This ongoing effort will help us reduce risks and improve our overall ESG performance.
Launching a New Philanthropic Project: In the coming year, we are excited to launch a new philanthropic initiative that aligns with our corporate values and supports our commitment to sustainability. This project will focus on creating positive social impacts in the communities where we operate. We look forward to seeing the benefits this initiative will bring and sharing its progress in future reports.
Our dedication to these four themes highlights Neo’s unwavering commitment to a more sustainable future. We will continue to prioritize transparency and ongoing improvement in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint, engage with third-party evaluators, promote sustainable procurement, and launch philanthropic projects that support our communities. We are excited about the progress we will make together and look forward to sharing our achievements in the years to come.